This was my first office. The year is 1981. There was no Giant yet. The loft space was all living spaces and I had just started a health food supplement business called Creative Arts Marketing.

Elizabeth Parcells Tales of Hoffmann The Doll Song
A picture of my sister Betsy in Costume from the Tales of Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach as Chanson d’Olympia singing the doll song is propped up on my desk along with a box of 3 x 5 cards, a can of Bud and a piano bench for a seat; all the necessary tools of upper management. I had this same desk through all 12 years of Giant.
It was in September 1979 that my parents drove my sister and I to the airport. That afternoon she flew off to Frankfurt Germany to sing Opera while I went to New York to play Jazz. Both of us were ready to conquer the world and make our mark with music.
- Fred P.